regarding the previous post (the pictures).
how i got them:
i got them directly from the stadium cos i was there.
no, joking.
i got it from the web la.
okay, study hard for exams.
Saturday, September 27, 2008 11:28 AM

priceless pictures i found.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 8:17 PM
Sigh, time passes really fast.
Nine months passed and our most important exam is in one week.
So far, we have been together for about nine months.
Camp was fun, come to think of it.
And many people changed.
In looks lah.
And also, they changed.
Blahblah, okay so here i am posting.
I almost forgot the password but then i remembered it was lame so i figured out.
Well, well, everyone study hard, just another one week of suffering.
Today was annoying.
It had to rain today morning lah, why not yesterday, or tomorrow,
why on the day of our pe?
Unlucky or what.
Okay survived the whole day, the whole boring day.
haha, never used that symbol before?
found this picture in my computer.
featuring samuel!
and cheryl, weixiang, aaron.
no idea how i got it, well anyway, here it is!
i wanna take another class picture and compare and keep.
but sure wont take one la.
Okay, no homework!